What’s new | Q2 2023
Yikes! So many Q2 updates to share, only to catch a sunstroke and miss our dead-line. Well, we’re back now, tanned, energized, and excited to provide you with some light back-from-holiday reading material about the latest developments in Tidal Control. Happy reading!
Automation Library V2 – Beta release
We have released the second version of Integrations. This beta release contains integrations for the following data providers: Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Google Workspace, Github and Kandji. Admins can enable integrations via the Settings/Integrations menu.
Powered-up Plans
Without Plans, everything would be a one-off. From the start, Plans have been Tidal’s way to automate the creation of new and recurring tasks and tests. But we realised that Plans have a lot more potential to help manage and track completion of any framework, scope of controls, and even tracking compliance for specific assets. They are the key to turning the ‘test once, use many’ dream into a reality. Which is why we added the option to create Plans by Asset, added a progress bar to each Plan, and reworked how Plans look. Check it out!
Review activities
Check, check, double check. You have asked us to make it possible to Review activities, and so we did. Review an activity by setting the Reviewed flag and optionally leaving a review comment. If you find new issues while reviewing an activity you can send it back to the original assigned user to amend and resubmit the activity for review. In the coming period we’ll be adding the Reviewed status to the dashboard and other status views.
Daily Digest e-mail
Receive updates relevant to you in a new daily digest e-mail. The daily digest informs you of activities which have been assigned to you in the past day, and of activities assigned to you that are about to expire. The daily digest e-mail is only sent when there’s relevant information for you in there, and replaces the previous assignment notification emails. Simple as that.
Dashboard filters
We’ve added filtering to the dashboard to make it easier to report by control, asset, and assignees.
User Admin page
As promised in the last quarterly update, we’ve added a user interface in the administration settings to manage users and their rights, reset passwords, and setup Multi-factor Authentication.
- Written by Dennis van de Wiel, Founder